Contact Treatments

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During the treatment:  You will be asked to lie on a massage table and take off your shoes.  For some treatments, the shirt may need to be removed or raised to allow direct access to certain areas of the back.  The session will last approximately thirty minutes.  During this time, the practitioner accesses your energy flow, works with the meridians, provides local enhancements, and most importantly, she directs energy from her fingertips into the appropriate ganglion according to your symptoms or a physician's diagnosis.  The Autonomic Nervous System's ganglia are the most direct and efficient carrier of energy in the body.

After the treatment:  You should relax as much as possible for the next twelve to twenty-four hours.

Further recommendations:  Although many clients are greatly improved after one session, at least four sessions are recommended especially for chronic or serious conditions.  After four sessions, future treatments will be discussed.  Treatment frequency is usually once or twice per week.

It is important that you do not receive any other form of energy healing for the entire course of your Sympathetic Energy Healing sessions.  Conflicts can occur.  One does not go to several family doctors for treatment of an illness.  The principle with energy healing is the same.  Furthermore, if a client is going to numerous energy healers, the SEH practitioner will not be able to accurately access the results of the treatments and make any necessary adjustments or enhancements.

Continue the care of your physician as before.  No changes should be made to medication or any other medical treatment without consulting your doctor.  The SEH Practitioner is not a licensed medical professional; therefore, she does not offer medical advice.  Her expertise is in the art of Sympathetic Energy Healing as well as the mind's affect on health, longevity and regeneration.

Final note:  Chronic illness, cancer and hospice patients are of special interest to the SEH practitioner.  Such referrals are accepted from other energy healers, physicians, etc.  However, a referral is not necessary.


PLEASE NOTE:  If travel is required, the SEH practitioner requests a donation to cover travel expenses such as hotel, airfare, gas and food. Receipts will be provided.